How Often Should You Post on Social Media?

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How Often Should You Post on Social Media

Getting the Most From Posting to Social Media

There are several recent studies that vary only slightly on what is the optimum frequency for posting to each channel.  As we reviewed the variances, it seemed to be linked to and increased by the number of fans, followers or connections you have in each social media channel.  Bufferapp’s infogram is a great rule of thumb for the average small to mid size business.

Getting social right is more important than ever.  Social signals are important (and weighty) factors within Google’s search engine page ranking algorithm.

infographic-how-often-to-post-on-social-mediaHow Often Should You Post on Social?


Studies show that Pinterest loves the most daily posts.  Steady growth (even rapid growth) has been linked to businesses that are posting approximately 5 times per day.


How many times you should post on Twitter each day is where experts opinions and studies differ the most.’s study suggests that 3 times per day is optimum and that engagement decreases after the third tweet.  Other studies suggest that depending on your brand and those with more followers should post more frequently.

If you have multiple client segments or buyer personas, your Twitter strategy is likely to include a different message for each audience.  You can see how tweeting 5 – 10 times per day per segment could easily add up to significantly more than another small business with a single client segment or buyer persona.


I think my favorite childhood stray may have been named Google+.  The more we fed him, the more he showed up – with his friends.  When we backed up to a normal schedule, all of them stopped coming around as frequently.  Same with your connections on Google+.  The more you post, the more activity you’ll get.’s study reveals a positive correlation between frequency and engagement.

Google+ likes 3 squares a day the most.  If your posting habits aren’t consistent, don’t grow dismayed when your frequency begins to wain, so will your traffic – sometimes as much as 50%!


Studies have found that your Facebook Fans have about a 2 post per day tolerance level.  Engagement begins to drop after that.  However, it is important to understand the importance of Facebook to your search engine page ranking (SERP).

Hubspot found that pages with over 10,000 followers were the only ones for whom posting more often increased the number of clicks per post.  When companies with less than 10,000 followers posted more than 60 times per month, they received 60% fewer clicks than those that posted 5 or fewer times per month.

How do you get more with less?  Develop better Facebook posts.  Hubspot offers great tips, a SlideShare presentation and 60 free templates to help you improve the quality of your posts.  

People click on posts that are relevant to their needs.  Know your audience.  Post what they want and need.


Linkedin posting frequency is about 20 posts per month – 1 every work day.  This rhythm allows you to reach approximately 60% of your audience.


Want to double your leads?  Studies show that companies that doubled their blogging efforts from 3 to 5 times per month to about 6 to 8 times per month almost double their leads.

Let us know what’s working for you.

Keeping up with Google’s social media requirements is no small task.  The work that goes into every post’s image, video and content prior to posting it can simply overwhelm a small company.

If you find that you can’t keep up the quality or the pace, we’ve got entry to expert plans that can help you.

Contact us or give us a call and let’s see how we can make a measurable difference.

It’ll cost you less than you think.

SEO & Social Media Report Card CTA copy

Thank you to Kevan Lee to for this research and infographic.


Jillian Vanarsdall
Jillian Vanarsdall
Founder of Blue Iris Marketing. An inbound marketing agency assisting businesses, from start-ups to high-growth firms, to phenomenally tell their unique story in a noisy digital world. Our services include inbound marketing, Wordpress web design and development, SEO, and social media.

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