Geyen Group South, Inc.
May 10, 2018
Brandon Essentials
May 3, 2018

The largest European sports retail –

  • Multi-country fully-custom content management system with more than 100,000 pages
  • There are four websites in this project representing Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Serbia, each with different product inventory
  • Highly customized programming features connect all four websites’ inventory maintaining accuracy of product availability in real-time
  • Custom, comprehensive eStore hosts more than 100,000 products, warehousing data, automated shipping services, SAP / ERP


The Goals:

Initial Goal: Increase conversions without increasing traffic; optimizing the sales channel to increase sales.

Next-level Goal: Once conversions were increased to meet the goal, we were to increase traffic.

The Results:

Initial Goal Results
Within 8 months:

  • Increased conversion rate by 163%
  • Increased revenue by 110%
  • Unique purchases increased 173%
  • Transactions increased 148%

9 – 12 -month increases over previous period:

  • Increased conversion rate by 164%
  • Increased revenue by 188%
  • Unique purchases increased 130%
  • Transactions increased 170%
  • Next-level Goal Results (Campaigns began in 13th month of engagement)

30-days: increased traffic by more than 200% and received approximately:

  • 168,000 page views
  • 168% new visitors
  • 5 page views per session, average session approximately 3:42 minutes each
  • Maintaining extremely low bounce rate of 43%